CLWKS CHROMA Roll Out The Barrel,RN "Cooper" The Great Dane

Friday, August 29, 2008

A boy and his toys-can't decide which one he wants

Tonight we took Cooper to the North St.Paul classic car show. He was the hit of the show. I dont think people were even interested in the cars once we got there. People even stopped to take his picture. There wasn't one person that walked by us that didn't either stop and ask to pet him, or made some comment to us in passing.
We heard "Oh my look at the size of those feet!" 800 times. Of course no one knew what breed he was, and when we told them Great Dane, some said "oh that's what I thought", while others were like " he doesn't look like a Dane".
I think we are going to get T-shirts made that say-"Yes, he is a Great Dane..Yes he has big feet..No he's not a horse and we don't have a saddle for him."
One lady said-"That looks like a horse in dogs clothing"..that was probably the funniest comment.
Many people commented on how gorgeous he is and how beautiful his markings are. One guy was convinced that he was a "piebald", obviously he doesn't know his great Dane markings. Then when we told him he is a Merle, he was sure that they are one in the same. Anyway, I gave up on that conversation.
Well, we had a good time and Cooper go lots of attention, which he loved!

1 comment:

MelloYello said...

i understand the feeling, we usually bring our mini dachshund out to mardi gras at least once during the season. We dress her up in a hot dog costume. If we charged a dollar for everyone who took a picture we'd be so rich!